Tips to waived off Late fee charges on Credit Card
If you have been charged a late fee on your credit card, you may be able to get it waived by following these steps: - Immediately pay your bill. If you have missed your payment, the first step you should take is to pay your bill as soon as possible. This will prevent further interest charges and penalties from accumulating on your balance. - Check to see if you have received a late fee. You can check your credit card statement online or by calling customer service to verify that you did receive a late fee. The amount of the late fee may vary depending on your card issuer and your balance. - Contact your credit card company and request a waiver. You can call or write to the bank to request that they waive the late fee. You should explain the reason why you missed the payment and assure them that it was a one-time mistake. You should also agree to pay your balance in full or set up a payment plan if you cannot afford to pay it all at once. If you have a good payment history and a low bal...